Indonesia Cosmetic Ingredients 2025 – Jakarta

The Largest
Cosmetics and
Hub in Indonesia

  • Hall D & A3, JI Expo Kemayoran, Jakarta, Indonesia

  • 14 - 16 May 2025


New business

And the latest industry trends at this year's largest cosmetics exhibition
in the heart of Indonesia's capital.

Elevate Your Business at the
"Indonesia Cosmetic Ingredients" Exhibition

The Key to
in the Cosmetics

And the latest industry trends at this year's largest cosmetics exhibition
in the heart of Indonesia's capital.

Countdown to the Date
Dear Leaders in the Indonesian Cosmetics Industries

Why Should You

Access to High-Quality Raw Materials

Discover the latest and most innovative raw materials from leading global producers that will help you create high-quality, safe, and trend-setting cosmetic products.

Global Networking and Collaboration

Meet and collaborate with international cosmetics companies, raw material suppliers, and experts in cosmetic technology. Forge strategic partnerships that will extend your business reach into global markets.

Latest Innovations and Trends

Learn about the latest technologies and global cosmetic trends, from green ingredients to AI-driven formulation technologies. Stay ahead by offering innovative products that resonate with consumers.

Industry Insights and Knowledge

Participate in exclusive seminars and workshops led by industry experts to gain in-depth knowledge about the latest regulations, formulation techniques, and effective marketing strategies in a competitive market.

Recognition and Awards

Gain industry recognition through prestigious awards presented at the exhibition. Position your products as the best in their class and showcase your company’s competitive edge.

  • Cosmetic star

  • Exhibition star

  • Seminars star

  • Beauty Industry star

  • Cosmetic Innovations star

  • Personal Care star

  • Skincare Technology star

  • Wellness star


No Company No Booth
1 Adikara Wijaya Kemindo, PT Q18, Q20
2 Anugrah Lumei Raya, PT A35 - A42
3 Artemis Primavera Kemindo, PT G4 (25-30)
4 Artha Intilestari, PT R13
5 AvantChem, PT K2 (11-18)
6 Azelis Distribution Indonesia, PT D23 - D28
7 BASF Distribution Indonesia, PT M2 (11-18)
8 Bell Fragrance & Flavour Indonesia, PT B3 (19-24)
9 Bintang Inti Talenta, PT Q8, Q10, Q12
10 Bintang Penuh Berkat, PT K32, K34, K36
11 Brenntag, PT C3 (19-24)
12 Cahaya Jakarta Printing, PT R15
13 Cedefindo, PT N13 - N16
14 Cellatis "MyFair Corp", PT S21
15 Chemarome Indonesia, PT B1(1-10) & B2 (11-18)
16 Chemco Prima Mandiri, PT A2 (11-18)
17 Citrasemesta Asrisejati, PT R21, R23
18 Clariant Indonesia, PT D4 (25-30)
19 Connell Bersaudara Chemindo, PT G3 (19-24)
20 Cosbyme Co. Ltd. "MyFair Corp" Korea R16
21 Croda Trading Indonesia, PT L4 (25-30)
23 CTC Indonesia Ingredients, PT P2, P4, P6
24 DKSH Indonesia, PT E1(1-10) & E2 (11-18)
25 Dove Chemcos Indonesia, PT M1 (1-10)
26 Dullberg Konzentra Indonesia H1-H4
27 Dwipar Loka Ayu, PT S14 & S16
28 Euronindo Fragance Internusa, PT O17 - O20
29 Evolve Ingredients Indonesia, PT O2, O4, O6
30 Garis Trading Molekul, PT B23, B24
31 Gemma Natura Lestari, PT Q21, Q23
32 Givaudan Indonesia, PT D3 (19-24)
33 Graha Esa, PT M3 (19-24) & M4 (25-30)
34 Haldin Pacific Semesta, PT J1 (1-10)
35 Hanan Silok Silicone, PT P7, 9, 11
36 Hensan Trimitra Gemilang, PT S15
37 Iberchem Indonesia Fragrances, PT L3 (19-24)
38 IMCD Indonesia, PT K1 (1-10)
39 Inbi Nusantara Sejahtera, PT O13 - O14
40 Indesso Niagatama, PT K3 (19-24)
41 Indo Aneka Atsiri, PT F4 (25-30)
42 Infinisia Sumber Semesta, PT I1 (1-10) & I2 (11-18)
43 Intan Chemicals Groups, PT L1 (1-10)
44 Interchem Jaya Persada, PT R7, 9, 11
45 Interchem Prima Mitra, PT E4 (25-30)
46 Iwase Cosfa Indonesia, PT R18, R20
47 JB Fragrances & Flavours, PT H12
48 Jebsen & Jessen Ingredient Indonesia, PT P17 - P20
49 Jegati Gempita Trijaya, PT O1, O3, O5
50 Jolie Fragrance Indonesia, PT (Oriental Aromat) L32, L34, L36
51 Kao Indonesia Chemicals, PT J4 (25-30)
52 Kemas Indah Maju, PT N17, N18
53 Kemiko Indonesia, PT F1 (1-10)
No Company No Booth
54 Kinas Global Indonusa, PT L31, L33, L35
55 Konka Indonesia Trading International, PT O15 & O16
56 Kreasi Prima Kemasindo, PT H9 - H11
57 Lautan Luas, PT A1 (1-10)
58 Lima Anugerah Abadi, PT I5 (31-36)
59 Maha Kimia Indonesia, PT F3 (19-24)
60 Makmur Baru Global, PT Q17, Q18
61 Marfa Sarah Indonesia, PT R5 (R22, R24)
62 Marga Dwi Kencana, PT D1 (1-10) & D21, D22
63 Matsumoto Trading Indonesia, PT K31, K33, K35
64 Menjangan Sakti, PT G1 (1-10) & G31 - G33
65 Millenis Mitra Indonesia, PT P13 - P16
66 Mitra Bangun Persada, PT (Belle) Q28
67 Multi Cipta Solusindo, PT N1 (1-6)
68 Multisari Indoprima, PT (LUZI) K4 (25-30)
69 Namsiang Trading Indonesia, PT G2 (11-18)
70 Nardevchem Kemindo, PT N2 (6-12)
71 Nilam Widuri, PT G34 - G36
72 Novatech Integra Solusindo, PT N19, N20
73 NR Herbal Care, CV R1, R3, R5
74 Pancaran Wijaya Kemindo, PT I4 (25-30)
75 Petrakemindo Pratama Mandiri, PT J5 (31-36)
76 Phytochemindo Reksa, PT Q22, Q24
77 Pitala Gunawan Raya, PT N22, N23
78 Premium Parfum Indonesia, PT S4 (17-20)
79 Primaxcel Inovasi, PT S22
80 Prospack Inovatif Teknologi, PT S23
81 Redachem Indonesia, PT E3 (19-24)
82 Rena Haniem Mulia, PT A4 (25-30)
83 Rodesna Sumber Rizki, PT A44
84 Rossari Biotech, Ltd S24
85 Sahabat Inovasi Perintis, PT (Saintis) B4 (25-30)
86 Sekawan Kosmetik Wasantara, PT Q1, Q3, Q5
87 Shinwon Nano Inovasi, PT Q30
88 Shirogane A43
89 SHKKEVA Indonesia, PT Q13 - Q16
90 Sinergi Multi Lestarindo, Tbk., PT C1(1-10) & C2 (11-18)
91 Sozio Descollonges Indonesia, PT Q7, Q9, Q11
92 Spincontrol Idea Indonesia, PT R17, R19
93 Sumber Kemas Indonesia, PT A31 - A34
94 Sunkiss Chemicals Q2, Q4, Q6
95 Tangga Emas Kimia, PT C4 (25-30)
96 TechnicoFlor Indonesia, PT F2 (11-18)
97 Tekno Prima Sukses, PT R14
98 Tentrem Artha Nugraha, PT A3 (19-24)
99 Tigaka Distrindo Perkasa, PT L2 (11-18)
100 Tirta Buana Kemindo, PT I3 (19-24)
101 Trisinar Indopratama, PT P1,P3, P5
102 Tritunggal Artha Makmur, PT J2(11-18) & J3 (19-24)
103 Valensindo Wiraguna, PT Q25
104 Vista Chem Indonesia, PT P2 (7-12)
105 Wenfeng Internasional Grup, PT S 13
Event Highlights

What's on the Event

  • Exhibitions

    Discover new business opportunities, collaborations, and the latest industry trends at this year’s largest cosmetics exhibition.

  • Cosmetic Seminars

    Educational sessions covering global trends, new technologies, and the latest regulations in the cosmetics industry.

  • Product Innovation

    Witness new product and ingredient launches from top brands.

  • Panel Discussions

    Industry experts discuss the future of cosmetics in the digital era.

Register now for free

Discover the latest and most innovative raw materials from leading global producers that will help you create high-quality, safe, and trend-setting cosmetic products.
The event will be held in 2 parts, namely Exhibition and Seminar, with the following schedule:

Wednesday - Friday, 14 - 16 May

from 9 a.m. untill 5 p.m.
at Hall D JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta - Indonesia.

Click button below or scan QR code to register for free.

QR Registration

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SignUp for Exhibitors

+62 21 6385 7298

Seminars Schedule

  • Day 01

    14 May 2025

  • Day 02

    15 May 2025

  • Day 03

    16 May 2025

To Be Announced

Speaker(s): TBA

  • Time

  • Seminar Room 1 Hall A3 JIExpo Kemayoran

To Be Announced

Speaker(s): TBA

  • Time

  • Seminar Room 1 Hall A3 JIExpo Kemayoran

To Be Announced

Speaker(s): TBA

  • Time

  • Seminar Room 1 Hall A3 JIExpo Kemayoran

Labs Formulation Schedule

  • Day 01

    14 May 2025

  • Day 02

    15 May 2025

  • Day 03

    16 May 2025

To Be Announced

Speaker(s): TBA

  • Time

  • Seminar Room 1 Hall A3 JIExpo Kemayoran

To Be Announced

Speaker(s): TBA

  • Time

  • Seminar Room 1 Hall A3 JIExpo Kemayoran

To Be Announced

Speaker(s): TBA

  • Time

  • Seminar Room 1 Hall A3 JIExpo Kemayoran